Improving Energy Efficiency in the Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs, Using Energy Hybridization Technique

Subject Area: Telecommunication Engineering

Sunday, 02-Mar-2025
Main Author: *Eze Marcel N., *Onuigbo Chika M., and **Nwobodo Lois O.


*Eze Marcel N., *Onuigbo Chika M., and **Nwobodo Lois O.

Enugu, Enugu Nigeria

This work is presented to demonstrate the principles and technical procedure for energy hybridization in optimal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operation. The proposed hybrid arrangement involves a combination of fuel and battery used alternately to optimize flight endurance of the UAV. Calculation of UAV power consumption during flight operation was carried out. Consideration of the velocity, weight, drag and thrust were applied in the process. Results show that 9.18 watts of energy was required to be delivered by either the battery or fuel which is to used separately during sessions of UAV operation. Cumulatively, a total energy delivery of 9.98 watt is required at any instant to ensure a lasting endurance of the UAV. The results form handy recommendations in the configuration of optimal hybrid power for efficient UAV operation.

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