Improving The Power System Stability of a Wind Turbine System Using Doubly Fed Induction Generator

Subject Area: Electrical Engineering

Sunday, 22-Dec-2024
Main Author: Alice Agwu., Eke James


Alice Agwu., Eke James

Enugu, Enugu Nigeria

This research presents improving the power system stability of a wind turbine system using Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). This was embarked on with the aim of guaranteeing quality and stable power output irrespective of the variation of wind behavior. A model of 9MW wind turbine was developed and then improved with DFIG as the generators developed with a thyristor based back to back converter system which can optimize power. The model was implemented with Simulink and evaluated. The result showed that the average power generated is 8.931MW which is an efficiency of 87.5%. A comparative analysis of the wind turbine with DFIG and without DFIG was performed and then the power generated without DFIG is 6.573MW giving an efficiency of 73.03% as against with DFIG which the average power generated is 8.931MW which is an efficiency of 88.12%. The percentage difference improvement achieved is 15.09%.

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  • Online Publication


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